Have you ever experienced this mixed feeling when you realize that the idea you had was actually a very good one, but that someone else had already deployed it in a better way than you ever could?
This is how my journey with the Digital Collage (la Fresque du Numérique for the French speaking community) started last year. The Mozilla Festival "MozFest" had entrusted me to animate one of its sessions dedicated to Sustainability, together with my partner in crime Antonia. I started developing an online workshop which I wanted to be highly interactive, science-based and fun. And of course something I could continually re-use to raise awareness of Digital Sustainability. Six weeks later I discovered the Digital Collage, a serious game created by Yvain Mouneux and Aurélien Deragne based on the pedagogical set-up of the Climate Fresk (Fresque du climat for the French speaking community) - the serious game on Climate change with +500K participants and counting. There was clearly no competition between a seasoned serious game, well-rythmed, covering multiple angles with dozens of references vs my workshop which was still at Proof of Concept stage.
The 4th principle of the agile manifesto is “Responding to change over following a plan”. I am not always aligned with “Agilism” but I still believe that this principle remains of vital importance for anyone launching an entrepreneurial adventure. Hence, I decided to embrace the change and use the DC framework without (almost) a twinge of regret 😉
Any disappointment was very short-lived. Within the DC association, I discovered a true community of people passionate about making our digital world more sustainable. I especially enjoyed:
I had found a promising tool and a promising community but I still had the same hypothesis to test. Is 3 hours too long? Is the content precise enough for Tech professionals? Does it trigger action? Will I be able to get comfortable with the animation techniques? How powerful is it online?
Being a big fan of the OKR framework as well as hypothesis testing, I borrowed to Jeff Gothelf his spot-on template and I wrote the following idea to be
tested: “I believe that DC workshops will be welcomed by my professional network as a meaningful tool to raise awareness about Digital Sustainability.
I will know I am right if I can reach > 100 attendees by June 2022”.
<Suspenseful music>
The milestone was reached mid-June having performed over 15 sessions. 🍾
Cherry on top of the cake, during these sessions I secured the "confirmed facilitator" status when I checked the criteria monitored by the association to ensure quality interventions. Cherry on top of the cherry on top of the cake, several attendees decided to join as facilitators too, to help us amplify the momentum. Since, several contacts have already asked me to facilitate Digital Collage sessions within their companies. I guess I was right to embrace the change.
I am reluctant to give advice but I’m always keen to share contextualized feedback for whoever can identify with my situation. Here are the takeaways I gained:
Having validated the efficiency of the Digital Collage workshop, I decided to double down my investment in it. I had the pleasure of completing my facilitator trainer journey in July. It was a humbling exercise to challenge my own habits in order to provide the best training for future facilitators. I am also honored to have been voted to join the DC Board in June where I will support Sandra Sydow on her mandate to expand the workshop internationally. Of course, I will keep facilitating regular sessions myself, both online and on-site (mostly in La Réunion and Paris).
However, a brief check on LinkedIn taught me that over 29M people worldwide currently have a job in either IT or Product Management. A very conservative assumption to work with knowing LinkedIn’s imperfect world coverage. As Jamie Alexander from Project Drawdown rightfully says “nowadays every job is a climate job”. All of these workers should get a chance to green the web and the entire ICT sector which all start with raising awareness. Spoiler alert: I don’t expect myself nor the +40 International facilitators to live more than 283 years doing workshops 24/7 - so we need you to participate and then join our community across the world. To be notified about new facilitator training workshops simply follow the Digital Collage LinkedIn page or message me to be added to the list.
And if you did not have a chance to attend a workshop already, good news is that new sessions pop up every week 📈 To be able to join the +20K people who have already participated click here.